Processed extracts of natural plants or vegetables, soap and non-ionic surfactants.
Soybean Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.63%
Peppermint Oil………….. 0.93%
LemonGrass Oil…………. 0.57%
Cinnamon Oil…………… 0.57%
Garlic Oil…………….. 0.007%
Citronella ……………. 0.007%
INERT INGREDIENTS: ……….. 96.286%
Soap, Almond Oil, Palm Oil, Ethyl Lactate, Water
Total ………………… 100.00%
EPA EXEMPT PRODUCT. Global Soil Solutions represents that this product qualifies for exemption under FIFRA, 40 CRF Sec. 152.25 (f), (1), (2) and (3) as a minimum risk pesticide under EPA reg. 152.25(f).
Greenhouses/Nurseries: Product is Ready to Use for seedlings, clones and young plants.
Foliar: Thoroughly spray top and bottom of leaves, limbs and stem until wet.
Soil Drench: Spray soil surface until wet. Insecta Pro will be transmitted into the plant and leaf tissue for systemic control.
Mature Plants or plants 4 weeks or older, apply weekly as needed.
Hydro Operations: Best applied as a foliar enough to wet leaves and stems. Product that drips into nutrient solution will not alter Ph or EC.
Frequency: Product is best used when insects, eggs and larva are present, visible or during reproductive cycle. Product can be applied weekly as needed.
Storage: Keep lid tightly closed. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.
First Aid: Product is Non-Toxic when used as directed. Keep away from children and pets. Do Not ingest product. For eye contact, simply flush
with plenty of cool water and seek medical attention.
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